Self Publishing 101 with Cookbook Author, Jason Logsdon

How to make money blogging without advertising. Hint: It’s Ebooks!

Jason Logsdon is the author of nine cookbooks on Sous Vide Cooking. His website is Amazing Food Made Easy.

– How to publish without spending a lot of money
– Why self-publishing is better
– What platforms you should sell your book on besides Amazon
– How longyou should wait before self-publishing a book
– Learn the three reasons to write a cookbook
– How you can work with manufacturer’s to sell your book
– 3 top ways to promote your book yourself
– What is the one quality that really matters across the board with all kinds of books

“Once you find what your blog is going to be about, start publishing books. But set your expectations accordingly. Putting out a book expands your reach, gets your brand out there and gives you more authority.”