Blog Hop Back in Time
Our members collaborated on a blog hop where they talked about a food or restaurant from their past, maybe as far back as their childhood, that they had fond memories of. In this Blog Hop Back in Time, you can hop from one blog post the next – there’s a link to the next post at the end of the one you are reading. Hop on board and enjoy!
2 Cooking Mamas
Break Cakes from Grandma is the first in the series. This blog relives her past growing up with her grandma and watching her cook. There were no measuring cups or spoons and certainly no recipe book nearby. And you’ll never believe what I had to do to get this recipe! Read more.
Becky’s Bubbles
Becky eschews the pleasures of The Silver Palate Cookbook. I read cookbooks like novels. I like to think of the recipes as the plot of the story and the ingredients as the characters. The Silver Palate Cookbook has vignettes in the margins that bring the pages to life. She even shares a recipe for Tarragon Chicken Salad. Read more.
Diabetic Foodie
Tuna casserole started out as a way to use up leftover fish back in the late 1800’s. Fish, usually cod, was combined with béchamel sauce in a baking dish and topped with bread crumbs. When canned tuna came out in the early 1900’s, cod was replaced with tuna by those who didn’t live near the shore. My idea was to create a healthier, less carby version of tuna casserole that didn’t require a can of cream-based soup. Read more.
Marie, Let’s Eat
This post fondly remembers restaurants around Atlanta that aren’t there anymore. Read more.
Celebrate Woman Today
Raspberry Butter Cake Recipe. My grandmother used to make it in the morning. By the time all kids were up, a warm aroma of fresh raspberries and vanilla flavor of the baked dough was penetrating every cell of the house. Make it in your kitchen and indulge all your tastes in this historic recipe. Read more.
Janes Adventures in Dinner
It’s the icing on the cake! No, literally, Jane has taken a laborious recipe and made it much easier. She’s sharing her Gran’s recipe for Seven Minute Icing Read more.
Killing Thyme (photo credit at top is from
More fond memories of a blogger’s Grandmother. This time it was a French grandmother who made a delicious Rum Raisin Bread Pudding or as she calls it, Pain Pudding. Read more.